Many have asked why YOUTH-RX and other providers within the HRT space have recently switched from using clomiphene citrate (aka “clomid”) over to using enclomiphene in its place for men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) programs? This article addresses that question.
Enclomiphene, like clomiphene citrate, are both selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that are used to treat male hypogonadism, more commonly referred to as “low T”. Both of these compounds have been utilized for men on TRT programs to “backfill '' important endocrine pathways stemming from the leydig cells in testicles. They are also used when coming off of TRT programs to amplify luteinizing hormone (LH) output and the body’s own endogenous testosterone production back up after being suppressed by TRT over time.
Although structurally similar, enclomiphene has a slightly different chemical structure and is specifically formulated to be more selective with its effects on the body in comparison to clomiphene. One key difference between enclomiphene and clomiphene is that enclomiphene is more selective in its action on estrogen receptors.
Clomiphene has both estrogen agonist and antagonist activity, meaning that it can both stimulate and inhibit estrogen receptors depending on the dose and target tissue.
Enclomiphene, on the other hand, is more selective in its action and primarily functions as an estrogen antagonist, meaning that it blocks estrogen receptors. This may make enclomiphene more effective at increasing testosterone production in men with hypogonadism, as it can more specifically target the hypothalamus to stimulate the production of LH and testosterone.
One big reason we’re all noticing the absence or scarcity of clomiphene being used has stemmed from completely different reasons, which is more from a (dare I say) big pharma play and there aren't any pharmacies able to provide it.
Clomiphene can both stimulate the body’s production of testosterone (via LH) and fertility (via Follicle Stimulating Hormone “FSH” and estrogen, etc.) while having a much longer half life on the fertility side of this viewpoint of up to 30 days.
Enclomiphene on the other hand, primarily focuses on stimulating LH and testosterone production and does so over a shorter half life of an estimated 10 hours. This is a big reason so many men and their prescribing TRT doctors have been moving towards using enclomiphene over clomiphene.
Hopefully that helps with some insights and does so in a more short and to the point type of explanation.
If you have questions or want to explore if TRT or any YOUTH-RX wellness programs are right for you, let us know HERE.
After, one of our patient care coordinators will schedule a consultation to discuss further!
Wishing you the best in health and wellness,
- Roger and the YOUTH-RX Team