Weight Loss with Semaglutide and How It Works

Written by Roger Bowman | Nov 15, 2022 5:00:00 PM

Semaglutide has become a hot topic within the world of diabetic and weight loss solutions. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve most likely heard and/or watched the commercials promoting it under popular brand names such as Ozempic and Wegovy.

Semaglutide, which is a peptide, may help diabetics and those overweight by suppressing appetite, slowing down gastric emptying (rate at which food leaves stomach), increasing insulin release and sensitivity of the body to it and helping to reduce glucagon release - all of which support lower blood glucose levels and body weight.

In other words, Semaglutide is associated with less hunger and food cravings, better control with eating and a lower preference for foods higher in fat all while allowing your body to partition and regulate energy (food) intake in a more preferred, optimized manner that contributes to a healthy caloric deficit tied with significant weight loss.


What Is a Peptide?

Peptides are short chains of specifically sequenced amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Peptides do not however have as many amino acids as proteins do. And, they can vary quite a bit in their length or size.

I like to envision a steel chain and each link is a different color; red, yellow, green, blue, pink, brown, etc. And the specific sequence of colors as to how and where they are bonded together down the line will dictate the outcome as to how they may be used and their acceptance by the user of it.

Our bodies make thousands of different peptides for numerous vital functions that happen in our bodies. And, we consume many when our bodies do make enough or when we want to optimize our levels due to aging, etc. To give an example, collagen and insulin are just a couple of the most used exogenous peptides today.


Is Semaglutide the Same as Ozempic and Wegovy?

The short answer is, yes. Both the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy are Semaglutide, they just come in different doses. But again, both are the peptide semaglutide.

This would essentially be like selling two identical caffeine drinks. Same source of caffeine, same ingredients. Just one is 8 oz and the other at 16 oz, providing double the amount of caffeine. We give them two different names and market them to two different crowds of consumers who simply are seeking different outcomes or doses.

Both of these brand name medications are very expensive and are often difficult if not impossible in some cases, to get covered under insurance.

Is Semaglutide Offered as a Compounded Product?

Yes! And generally speaking, at a much more cost effective price point.

How Long Does it Take Semaglutide to Start Working?

Your blood sugar levels should start declining within the first week after starting at your prescribed dose. However, the full effects can take 8 weeks or longer as this is a slower, progressive acting medication.

How is Semaglutide Taken?

Semaglutide is taken only once per week via subcutaneous (belly fat) injection. This is done with a small diabetic needle that most barely feel. This is taken on the same day each week, at any time of the day, with or without meals.

Who Should Not Take Semaglutide?

Type 1 diabetes should not use Semaglutide. Insulin is needed to control this type of diabetes. And, anyone with family or personal previous history with pancreatic cancers or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2  should also not use Semaglutide. These are the two big crowds of people who should avoid using Semaglutide.

Although side effects are rare, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are the most common semaglutide side effects that can occur in a small percentage of users. But if they were to even occur, they usually subside after a few weeks of starting the medication. Although also rare and uncommon, serious side effects are possible. Some may require immediate medical attention, like pancreatitis and allergic reactions.

What Else Should Be Done Alongside Taking Semaglutide?

In short, consuming a healthy diet coupled with exercise alongside using semaglutide is a big factor and will impact the user’s level of success. Modern day dieting is often the biggest contributor to type 2 diabetes and obesity and learning how to optimize our food choices will have a tremendous and positive impact when using semaglutide.

What Outcomes Can Be Expected Using Semaglutide?

  • Statistically significant and clinically relevant glycemic (blood sugar) and A1-C reductions
  • Obesity and BMI index improvements
  • Decrease in risk of cardiovascular events and disease - especially those fighting diabetes and obesity
  • Improved body image
  • Less load on joints (due to lower body weight)
  • Reduced hunger and increased satiety and feeling of fullness


If you suspect that Semaglutide could help you like it has for so many others and want to explore if it’s right for you, let us know HERE.

After, one of our patient care coordinators will schedule a consultation to discuss further!

Wishing you the best in health and wellness,

- Roger and the YOUTH-RX Team


