Many have asked why YOUTH-RX and other providers within the HRT space have recently switched from using clomiphene citrate (aka “clomid”) over to using enclomiphene in its place for men on...
Enclomiphene vs Clomiphene (Clomid) in Men and Why the Change?
Sarcopenia Prevention; Importance of Maintaining Strength and Muscle Mass
Sarcopenia is a[1] Greek term “sarco,” meaning flesh, and “Penia” means deficiency. It is the loss of muscle strength and mass, which is a condition common among elderly people. However, it begins...
High Estrogen in Men; Is it Okay or Toxic?
The topic of estrogen in men on TRT has become quite a topic during the last couple of years. Many have stern stances on one side or the other, whether pertaining to total estrogen or the use of A.I....
Your Cortisol is our primary stress hormone, responsible for increasing “sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream” as well as enhancing “your brain’s use of glucose [and the] availability of substances...
Should You Use Progesterone Cream?
Over 50 different hormones are produced in the human body that have an effect on and are interconnected with numerous other hormone systems within the body, particularly the reproductive system and...
Melatonin is widely known for its non-habit forming ability to help people naturally fall asleep, and stay asleep. Recent studies have pursued its benefits in other areas. The most recent study was...